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Board of Supervisors

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Board of Supervisors Work Session
February 19, 20257:30 AM

Township Supervisors

Lower Salford is a Township of the Second Class governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors elected at-large for a six year term by the residents of Lower Salford Township. The Board is charged with the general governance of the township and the execution of legislative, executive and administrative powers as defined in Section 607 of the Second Class Township Code. They also make all appointments to the various boards and commissions. The Board meets monthly to review all issues before the township and provide policy direction to the administrative and appointed staff. They also hold a work session at 7:30 a.m. on the Tuesday prior to the first Wednesday and the third Wednesday of each month.

Left to Right: Kevin Shelly, Chris Canavan-Vice Chair,  Keith Bergman-Chair, Dave Scheuren & Kent Krauss (Appointed February 1, 2023)

Left to Right: Kevin Shelly, Chris Canavan-Vice Chair, Keith Bergman-Chair, Dave Scheuren & Kent Krauss (Appointed February 1, 2023)

Member Expiration
Keith Bergman, Chairman 12/31/29
Christopher Canavan, Vice Chairman 12/31/25
Kevin Shelly 12/31/25
David Scheuren 12/31/27
Kent Krauss 12/31/29

To Contact a Supervisor, please use In the Subject line, include the name of the Supervisor you wish to contact.

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